Browsing All Posts published on »February, 2009«

Fit or Fat?

February 24, 2009


The thing about winter (even the 14 degree sort we have here), is that it turns all us mortals into unhealthy blobs of lazy. It’s too cold to do anything outside so you just want to curl up in bed, comforted by the warmth of your laptop…or a tub of icecream.So it came as no […]

Oh L’Amour!

February 12, 2009

0’s that time of year again folks. The month of lurrve / amour / pyaar / hubb. That dreaded month where Hallmark pukes out it’s entire mush collection, rose bushes are fed an over-dose of fertilizer, and 3rd-world children in a workshop somewhere are made to stop working on those footballs and divert their time […]